
Trinity Sixty-Three
You gotta be kidding me? They came into your apartment when you were not there? Who let them in? I'd be really pissed off.
[2004-10-19 02:38:04]

You gotta be kidding me? They came into your apartment when you were not there? Who let them in? I'd be really pissed off.

There was a lot of information in this one, but my eye kept going back to the statement about your aunt. I am thinking of you and your family. I hope she is as comfortable and at peace as she can be.
[2004-10-19 06:06:45]

There was a lot of information in this one, but my eye kept going back to the statement about your aunt. I am thinking of you and your family. I hope she is as comfortable and at peace as she can be.

God Bless to your aunt and your family. May she have a joyous and peaceful entry into the welcoming arms of Christ. Perhaps you should have forced your loungers to pay a cover charge? All that comfort and entertainment doesn't come cheap...
[2004-10-19 08:58:48]

God Bless to your aunt and your family. May she have a joyous and peaceful entry into the welcoming arms of Christ. Perhaps you should have forced your loungers to pay a cover charge? All that comfort and entertainment doesn't come cheap...

I am so very sorry. This is always a difficult thing to go through. I hope it will be as peaceful and free of suffering as possible, for all of you.
[2004-10-19 09:45:43]

I am so very sorry. This is always a difficult thing to go through. I hope it will be as peaceful and free of suffering as possible, for all of you.

I just stumbled upon you... You'll be in my thoughts as will your aunt. I think admission to the "lounge" would be a great idea. It's certianly what I would do. And, if the guy in the office isn't there to explain the admission fee to the people who "frequent" the lounge, he should pay it. Have a great day.
[2004-10-19 12:36:32]

I just stumbled upon you... You'll be in my thoughts as will your aunt. I think admission to the "lounge" would be a great idea. It's certianly what I would do. And, if the guy in the office isn't there to explain the admission fee to the people who "frequent" the lounge, he should pay it. Have a great day.

Blessings to you and your Aunt. You're both in my thoughts and prayers. And man, you missed the perfect opportunity to go postal on those folks sitting on your couch. Granted, it wasn't their fault so much, but still. Sometimes, we need to embrace these moments. ;-) I admire your self control. Teehee.
[2004-10-19 13:51:50]

Blessings to you and your Aunt. You're both in my thoughts and prayers. And man, you missed the perfect opportunity to go postal on those folks sitting on your couch. Granted, it wasn't their fault so much, but still. Sometimes, we need to embrace these moments. ;-) I admire your self control. Teehee.

Your aunt wants to go, unlike her, my granddad never had the choice to deny the national health�s heroic efforts. At the *final end our last dignities should be observed, good luck to her, what a wonderful trip she�s ready for. Did I read that right, people, strangers actually in your apartment? Or is that some space used by the whole church? I think I would absolutely lose my marbles even though I�m secretly wishing to entertain a captive audience (hostage). We talk a lot about the journey at my church since many are elderly, one thing I never see in their eyes is fear, its almost an excitement like passengers boarding.
[2004-10-19 14:55:14]

Your aunt wants to go, unlike her, my granddad never had the choice to deny the national health�s heroic efforts. At the *final end our last dignities should be observed, good luck to her, what a wonderful trip she�s ready for. Did I read that right, people, strangers actually in your apartment? Or is that some space used by the whole church? I think I would absolutely lose my marbles even though I�m secretly wishing to entertain a captive audience (hostage). We talk a lot about the journey at my church since many are elderly, one thing I never see in their eyes is fear, its almost an excitement like passengers boarding.

Your Aunt will be in a better place hun.. and.. well I don't know what to say about the uninvited guests.. I am thinking from this point on though that the least YOU could do is provide cocktail nuts, butter mints and sodas for their unannounced visits. I mean heck if you are going to provide them a place to wait while you are away the least you could do is make their visit as comfortable as possible.. *heart* ya Christopher..
[2004-10-19 23:54:47]

Your Aunt will be in a better place hun.. and.. well I don't know what to say about the uninvited guests.. I am thinking from this point on though that the least YOU could do is provide cocktail nuts, butter mints and sodas for their unannounced visits. I mean heck if you are going to provide them a place to wait while you are away the least you could do is make their visit as comfortable as possible.. *heart* ya Christopher..

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