
I hope your trip is as good as it could possibly be, despite the circumstances. You and your family are in my prayers.
[2004-09-28 12:36:58]

I hope your trip is as good as it could possibly be, despite the circumstances. You and your family are in my prayers.

The fact that you even GET Dunkin' Donuts should outweigh any burden in procuring said donuts. All we have out here are Krispy Kreme, or as I like to call them Sugar Coated Sugar Lumps. I miss Dunkin' Donuts.
[2004-09-28 12:40:00]

The fact that you even GET Dunkin' Donuts should outweigh any burden in procuring said donuts. All we have out here are Krispy Kreme, or as I like to call them Sugar Coated Sugar Lumps. I miss Dunkin' Donuts.

You and your family are definately in my prayers. I know that things will work according to the will of God and my prayer is that He will strengthen your family to be able to deal with whatever the outcome is. Love, Kika Amanya
[2004-09-28 12:40:12]

You and your family are definately in my prayers. I know that things will work according to the will of God and my prayer is that He will strengthen your family to be able to deal with whatever the outcome is. Love, Kika Amanya

i'm not usually one for prayer, but for you and your family, i will pray. i love you, christopher honey.
[2004-09-28 17:12:36]

i'm not usually one for prayer, but for you and your family, i will pray. i love you, christopher honey.

Suburban Island
You are a wonderful resource to your family. Thanks for sharing the great kid sound bytes. Coffee - should have caramel in it and come in a cup with a certain green logo on it. Then you won't have to say - hold the donuts.
[2004-09-29 00:49:20]

You are a wonderful resource to your family. Thanks for sharing the great kid sound bytes. Coffee - should have caramel in it and come in a cup with a certain green logo on it. Then you won't have to say - hold the donuts.

I don't think you are, but don't even worry about the school stuff. Life happens and they'd have to do the same thing.
[2004-09-29 11:53:58]

I don't think you are, but don't even worry about the school stuff. Life happens and they'd have to do the same thing.

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