
What a good post and topic to expand on, I may exercise my [tb] later tonight this entry. Your absolutely right! for so many years I sacrificed my poor feeties for fashion sake until one particular day I could barely stand up straight, you�d be surprised how debilitating a pinched nerve or even minor foot problems can seriously put you down. I�ve always been an Adidas fan, not only because im a football fan either, they make and continue to make fine (lived in) new products Adidas Pop Snarl�s I have been wearing for the past 5 years, they are from the skate line. I know what you mean, I have been fortunate enough for Adidas to keep my fav shoe in production, but its such a shame when they let a great line go, they did that with the original ladies Samoa.
[2004-07-06 15:24:28]

What a good post and topic to expand on, I may exercise my [tb] later tonight this entry. Your absolutely right! for so many years I sacrificed my poor feeties for fashion sake until one particular day I could barely stand up straight, you�d be surprised how debilitating a pinched nerve or even minor foot problems can seriously put you down. I�ve always been an Adidas fan, not only because im a football fan either, they make and continue to make fine (lived in) new products Adidas Pop Snarl�s I have been wearing for the past 5 years, they are from the skate line. I know what you mean, I have been fortunate enough for Adidas to keep my fav shoe in production, but its such a shame when they let a great line go, they did that with the original ladies Samoa.

I don't know about the shoes man. I had a comment to make and then realized my ass is not quite fitting into this chair the way it used to. And I'm mad. I hate getting fat, even when it is for a good cause. Ok. I'll try to think of my shoe thing later.
[2004-07-06 19:53:02]

I don't know about the shoes man. I had a comment to make and then realized my ass is not quite fitting into this chair the way it used to. And I'm mad. I hate getting fat, even when it is for a good cause. Ok. I'll try to think of my shoe thing later.

I'll see what I can do.
[2004-07-06 22:30:40]

I'll see what I can do.

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