
I cannot properly express how badly I feel for you about the rude and insensitive behavior of your co-workers and employers concerning your grandmother. It only takes a moment to pull a head out of an ass to say something courteous. I guess it's too much to hope for; being a caring human being is beyond them. Pooh on them. Try to enjoy your Sunday.
[2004-05-16 12:39:04]

I cannot properly express how badly I feel for you about the rude and insensitive behavior of your co-workers and employers concerning your grandmother. It only takes a moment to pull a head out of an ass to say something courteous. I guess it's too much to hope for; being a caring human being is beyond them. Pooh on them. Try to enjoy your Sunday.

Unbelievable! I can't believe people are so self absorbed not to pay a little bit of courtesy. I hope you left the boss's boss's wife standing agaped.
[2004-05-16 12:47:34]

Unbelievable! I can't believe people are so self absorbed not to pay a little bit of courtesy. I hope you left the boss's boss's wife standing agaped.

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