
Getting plugs from you never gets old! Hehe, it's written by Walter E Williams, and I should probably get around to attributing it. Someone left me a note saying I was going to get hate mail from Dems, and I quoted Churchill to the effect of if you have enemies, it means you've stood up for something in your life.
[2004-04-18 17:04:58]

Getting plugs from you never gets old! Hehe, it's written by Walter E Williams, and I should probably get around to attributing it. Someone left me a note saying I was going to get hate mail from Dems, and I quoted Churchill to the effect of if you have enemies, it means you've stood up for something in your life.

Suburban Island
Good points of violence against women. I did enjoy your translation of the phrase - drive carefully - as uttered by your mom.
[2004-04-18 23:02:41]

Good points of violence against women. I did enjoy your translation of the phrase - drive carefully - as uttered by your mom.

Suburban Island
Re the German cars, Belgium chocolate, and Italian food comment - that's the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me. Excuse me, I have to go get a snack now.
[2004-04-18 23:36:47]

Re the German cars, Belgium chocolate, and Italian food comment - that's the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me. Excuse me, I have to go get a snack now.

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