
No, no, it's good to traumatize little children like that. They must learn to wait until someone is through speaking...and when they're alone, to do such things. Shame on him.
[2004-03-24 07:10:54]

No, no, it's good to traumatize little children like that. They must learn to wait until someone is through speaking...and when they're alone, to do such things. Shame on him.

I teach adults...and they pick their noses too. It's odd, but I think that THEY think I can't see them while they are rooting around in their nostrils. My faaaaavorite student lately (not really) wagged his 6" long tongue at an angle outside his mouth for the ENTIRE DURATION of the class. It was not only disconcerting, it was horrifyingly gross...and did not look anywhere near what Michael Jordan did on the basketball court.
[2004-03-24 13:17:07]

I teach adults...and they pick their noses too. It's odd, but I think that THEY think I can't see them while they are rooting around in their nostrils. My faaaaavorite student lately (not really) wagged his 6" long tongue at an angle outside his mouth for the ENTIRE DURATION of the class. It was not only disconcerting, it was horrifyingly gross...and did not look anywhere near what Michael Jordan did on the basketball court.

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