
Actually, not all Homeschool Moms aren't not teachers. I've been homeschooled my entire life and my mother has done a good job, if I may flaunt my intelligence and say so:-D She actually sits with us and helps us with our work, and as a bonus, brought us up to be respectful and quiet Devil Children in public and at home (as opposed to Regular Devil Children). I do know where you are coming from, though. I know several families who barely do any work at all and are pains in the rear, even people who do their child's work so their child will get good grades. I really don't see how that helps anything. I especially love the families that run homeschool organizations, like basketball, for example. On the team I played for, the children of the coach thought they were all that and did nothing more than insult everyone else on the team. I did derive much joy, though, from telling them off several times. As for the script thing, I know of something even "better": Video Classes. The parents that do that actually do "do nothing". Audrey
[2004-03-19 17:16:51]

Actually, not all Homeschool Moms aren't not teachers. I've been homeschooled my entire life and my mother has done a good job, if I may flaunt my intelligence and say so:-D She actually sits with us and helps us with our work, and as a bonus, brought us up to be respectful and quiet Devil Children in public and at home (as opposed to Regular Devil Children). I do know where you are coming from, though. I know several families who barely do any work at all and are pains in the rear, even people who do their child's work so their child will get good grades. I really don't see how that helps anything. I especially love the families that run homeschool organizations, like basketball, for example. On the team I played for, the children of the coach thought they were all that and did nothing more than insult everyone else on the team. I did derive much joy, though, from telling them off several times. As for the script thing, I know of something even "better": Video Classes. The parents that do that actually do "do nothing". Audrey

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