
Know the feeling. I rarely get pimples but when I do, it's huge. Hope that works out for you.
[2004-03-09 09:54:07]

Know the feeling. I rarely get pimples but when I do, it's huge. Hope that works out for you.

theatre-geek do realize that you'll have to deal with much worse people and situations than you would at school right? If McD's is anything like it is here, you may want to quit before a week is out. Just warning you. Customer service is hard enough. Customer service in the food service industry is quite another animal. Although I'm sure they could use a mature influence. You might be able to help them clean up their act a bit.
[2004-03-09 10:03:54] do realize that you'll have to deal with much worse people and situations than you would at school right? If McD's is anything like it is here, you may want to quit before a week is out. Just warning you. Customer service is hard enough. Customer service in the food service industry is quite another animal. Although I'm sure they could use a mature influence. You might be able to help them clean up their act a bit.

McDonalds? Oh Lord, what did I miss?
[2004-03-09 10:26:56]

McDonalds? Oh Lord, what did I miss?

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