
The other thing i hate is when people type on the internet and replace the with da. I am trying not to use initials for certain phrases like OMG for oh my god. Maybe the lie-berry lady was just saying that to be funny. People aren't really THAT stupid...are they?
[2004-01-30 15:48:17]

The other thing i hate is when people type on the internet and replace the with da. I am trying not to use initials for certain phrases like OMG for oh my god. Maybe the lie-berry lady was just saying that to be funny. People aren't really THAT stupid...are they?

Oh, and "let me ax you a question" and "I had a big brefast" both bug the living snot out of me.
[2004-01-30 22:43:21]

Oh, and "let me ax you a question" and "I had a big brefast" both bug the living snot out of me.

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