
Here I am. Can't seem to get away from DL. Good ideas! I'm trying the notebook idea. A novel? Which begs the question...How old are you? Just curious. I could guess, but then I'd be wrong.
[2003-07-03 15:35:32]

Here I am. Can't seem to get away from DL. Good ideas! I'm trying the notebook idea. A novel? Which begs the question...How old are you? Just curious. I could guess, but then I'd be wrong.

the biggest sprite fan ever
you can do a book signing of your book in my bookstore. first we'll need you to finish the book, and for me to open the store. er...i would read it regardless.
[2003-07-03 16:39:30]

you can do a book signing of your book in my bookstore. first we'll need you to finish the book, and for me to open the store. er...i would read it regardless.

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