some lights seem eternal
in this springtime of hope

bio diesel

August 27, 2006
I was thinking about alternative energy sources the other day while I was walking back to the portable I teach in when I heard to teachers disputing about some point of Lutheranism. I was horrified, I left Lutheran teaching and I did not want to hear bickering over the finer points of the Book of Concord. This made me realize that if we have alternative energy sources we should look to hydrogen cells over some sort of bio-diesel.

Certainly, the argument stands to reason that in hydrogen nothing is burned so you remove the harm of carcinogens from the environment but really the negative effects of a huge bio-diesel industry cannot be underestimated.

Right now much of the money we spend on oil ends up back in the Middle East or Venezuela � places we are not very popular. I do not find this surprising because mall employees and people who pretend to work at Wal Mart tend to be a bit surly as well toward the people who butter their bread.

I think it is a bad idea to turn corn into diesel and by extension into gold. If you think the fighting between Sunni and Shiitte is fierce then you are ignorant of the different factions of Lutheranism and have no idea what a bad idea it would be to give those people money, and they make up the bulk of the population of corn growing states.

I know you are thinking. I am not a Lutheran, I am a ________, and Lutherans hate us. Certainly, it is true: we hate you. But it is more important to note that we hate each other much more than we could ever hate you. We would sooner say a Hail Mary then break bread with someone of a different Lutheran sect.

Lutheran infighting is very ugly. This is usually found in inter-sect relations and each group claims the others are the nastiest. There is no way to quantify who is the meanest but I will say this: my group may be liberal but we don�t eat babies like that other, more liberal group.

When there is not another sect around to bicker with we tend to bicker amongst ourselves. Right now at the church I used to work at they are more concerned about the color of the carpet then anything else � there is no plan or need to change it, people are just unhappy with it and this takes our minds off the more pressing matter of spreading the Gospel or keeping the doors open. I know people who have not talked to each other in years over disagreements that if they happened anywhere else it would be considered absurd.

The last thing you want to do is give this Mickey Mouse outfit a ton of money. Sure, it would help the economy of the whole United States but in the end what are you doing with this? You are starting an absurd civil war as sectarian bickering turns to open warfare.

If we go to bio diesel you can keep your SUV � just make sure it is armor plated.

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