some lights seem eternal
in this springtime of hope

the dork side of the force

September 21, 2005
A store where I used to have a line of credit sent be a gift certificate for my birthday and I only mentioned it to my friend Peter because it is definitely not my birthday but he missed that point because he has no idea when my birthday is. Here is a hint: we were born on the same day.

So, Friday, in the mail I got a gift certificate to the Apple Store because that is where I get my capitalism on and Peter knows it and after checking out a million education and useful applications for the gift certificate � for me or my students and even checking to see if I could swing the repairs on my sister�s computer I settled on blowing it on a video game for my computer because I have decided that I need something fun to do occasionally and this virginity is not going anywhere so I might as well get a video game.

In checking out the games there were many options but I hate to spend too much on something I may not like. Finally, I succumbed to the Dork Side of the Force and bought LEGO Star Wars, The Video Game on the recommendation of a ten-year-old in my class. Then, after figuring out how to install it on my computer, the game ate my life. Who knew something so goofy could be so fun?

Peter, however, is not so impressed that I spent his gift certificate on a game, mainly because it is not my birthday and I should have sent it back but I figure that September 5 is my unbirthday, and his, so I deserve a gift. Being his friend is a lot of work.

For future reference, gift certificates are great gifts. Someone pointed out that they do not express that you know or love your friend or family member because you did not know what to get. I make a point of not knowing or loving my family members and I would be loath to admit to a friend that I did. However, if you know were a friend likes to shop a certificate can be a great gift because it could save someone the hassle of returning or exchanging. Really, who would return a gift certificate for being the wrong size or color?

I could elaborate but you do not understand the power of the Dork Side. I must obey my master.

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