some lights seem eternal
in this springtime of hope

certainly take hers

May 25, 2005
We have ten days left until the last day of school. I am at the end of my rope. I would not be surprised if I started screeching like a monkey, hung upside down from the chandelier in the atrium and threw feces at people.

My boss� boss was very happy to see me today and was overly friendly. I asked if I was being fired, and because I a little bit of (New) Jersey goes a long way added: because you are almost never in a good mood or polite to me.

Apparently, other schools have been calling and asking about me and soliciting recommendations. I have little to nothing to do with that, but if it makes them nervous: good. This job is not that great and if you asked me for the benefit of working here all I can think of us is, �it is a job.�

Then she said to call her when I get back from visiting my parents this summer so we can go out to eat and chat. I asked her what she wanted to talk about so we could just talk about it now; why wait until I returned? She said that she just wanted to get together socially. I told her that I do not like to eat out at restaurants lie and that I do not socialize outside of official work activities with coworkers truth.

She said, well we just want to make sure you are happy here and feel welcome and befriended. I looked at her like she had sprung a second head and said, �I have been here how long and people are suddenly interested in my happiness and if I feel welcome, happy and befriended? I do not, but this is a job and who really cares if you are happy, warm, and fuzzy? You are here to work, not be social. If I wanted a social interaction I would join brownie scouts or a recreation sports team.

My grandfather is getting married again and my cousins are in an uproar. I am not pleased about it but them being indignant about it is absurd. Grandma did not even like us. Give me a break, someone who did not like you died a long time ago and now someone you do not like is getting married to someone you do not know. It makes more sense to be worked up at about J Lo or Brad Pitt that to be worked up about this, at least J Lo is interesting to look at and smells nice. You can say neither of those things about most people in my father�s family. I announced my intention to refer to the woman as, �Grandma.�

If I had a �Grandma� take an active interest in me, I would not know what to do with that information. Maybe I should not call her Grandma; it might be weird for me instead of her. Regardless of the situation, there is no reason to be unkind to the other woman. If she wants to marry the bastard, let her. She is not doing anything to us, or our dead and indifferent Grandmother. God rest her soul. Beside that, I have met my cousins and I cannot say that I take much of an active interest in them either.

The last name would be a huge consideration for me if I were a woman getting married. If your name was too long, hard to spell or pronounce, or sounded like a word I would not want shouted in my classroom I would either not marry you or keep my own name. As a man who hopes to dodge the misfortune of marriage myself, if I were to marry a woman with a shorter and easier to spell last name I would certainly take hers instead of keeping mine.

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