some lights seem eternal
in this springtime of hope


May 23, 2005
Yesterday, I got to rock drive through at my second job and the coolest part of doing drive through is when the teenage boys come through with their cars that they have paid extra money to make louder than usual. If you are really look they will �rev� their engine so you can be impressed that while they cannot pay their community college tuition or child support, their car is loud and that is all that matters.

However, when you do that lovely trick with your car by a microphone attached to a speaker in my ear, your cool factor goes way down. The customer at my window noticed my obvious discomfort at this situation and said, �are you okay?� and without thinking I said what Kipp and I might say, which is, �I am sorry but every time he does that my panties slide down on their own and it makes it impossible for me to do my job.� Thank God she laughed, right? She replied and �revved� her own engine while saying so, �it his way of letting us know he has a [insert revving] small penis.�

I told her that I was certain that I was in love with her but she assured me that her husband would be hurt if she ran off with the drive through attendant at a fast food restaurant. I assured her that I would be disappointed if she did that too.

No one reads in Stepford because reading leads to knowledge, knowledge leads to empowerment, empowerment leads to self-improvement. Damn it, we will have none of that here in Stepford! Be gone with your witchcraft!

Because of the deplorable lack of literacy in Stepford, the Library leaves much to be desired. If I need good materials for my classroom I have to go to the Farmington Public Library, which is Fifty Cent�s hometown library although I would venture the guess that he is too busy writing that quality music of his to check out any of the excellent books for videos the library has to offer.

Thankfully, this library is difficult to find and is half an hour away so this afternoon I will have the time of my life driving out there in the crazy Farmington traffic. I think they hid their library to keep the citizens of Stepford out of their library and I really cannot say that I blame them. The last time I made it all the way there I got an FDR bookmark from the librarian because �we aren�t allowed candy in the books!� but you really cannot get on her nuts for a cheap ass present like a bookmark from the History Channel because she could have kept them for herself as I did with the Madagascar bookmarks I received in the mail and promptly mailed to Golf Widow as they featured penguins.

I wonder what I will get today.

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