some lights seem eternal
in this springtime of hope

sun burnt & spent

May 19, 2005
Last night we got home at 3:00 AM after seeing Star Wars. Today was the city-wide field day. I am sun burnt and spent.

Did you know that George Lucas went to film school? Yeah, I had not realized that either.

I liked the movie, I really did. I am not one of these dorks pretending to be a Star Wars Fan Extraordinaire; I have no need to front. I watched filming on parts of Return of the Jedi. I touched R2D2. Many fans are going in with the false hope of seeing something akin to The Empire Strikes Back, that is the masterwork, do not expect a second coming.

If you are looking for great acting from George Lucas� direction, honestly, you are the one who has the problem. Get your head out of your ass. SPOILER: Spielberg consulted on the direction of this movie and it shows. The parts he �consulted� on stuck out like your mom did your homework. Breath Taken One, I am on to you.

There were parts where I was impressed. There are things that could have been done better. There were even parts I said, �weak.� I did call Kipp and tell her that I had not seen that many adult virgins since seminary. Overall, it was a great movie and had everything that you expect from a Star Wars Movie. I was not expecting the story to be this good, nor Anakin�s seduction to be so clever. In light of the other two movies I expected his seduction to be to the tune of the following: you get a red light saber, black is slimming, or, Darth Cheney does not have a patent leather helmet.

The only thing better than the people in costumes was my sister taking their pictures (check out her Buzz Net). Only one person was amiable to having their picture taken, and I took her picture because she was too shy to ask a girl if she take her picture � but that has more to do with us eating dinner at Hooters with the Mall Girls than shyness. HRH is anything but shy. If you are wearing a costume to a movie, you belong on Buzz Net. If you went to all that trouble: why not flaunt it?

Also, a word to the wise:

We all know that Anakin becomes Darth Vader and that he becomes that way after an unfortunate accident involving a river of liquid hot magma.

If you are going to be an evil overlord of any kind, avoid liquid hot magma, bottomless pits, and tanks full of sharks or piranhas. Drawn out killings always result in the hero escaping in the end, what good is that? It has drama, it has flair, but most of all it has flaws � fatal ones and only for you! Just kill the chump and be done with it.

Heroes, if your former apprentice is using everything you have ever taught him to try and kill you consider making sure he is dead BEFORE you walk off. Taking his weapon is not nearly good enough. Chuck him into the bottomless pit, river of liquid hot magma, or shark tank. Shoot him in the back.

Better yet, do not be the kind of hard ass who makes apprentices want to kill them in the first place. If you must, be sure to keep a few tricks up your sleeve so that in the end when you are faced with the ridiculous conundrum of fighting a former pupil, you can still have more to save you than pithy comebacks and one liners.

Yes, I know that magma outside of the volcano becomes lava, but I did not want my knowledge of vulcanology giving you the idea I was a �Trekie.�

You scored as Obi Wan Kenobi.

Obi Wan Kenobi




Anakin Skywalker


Padme Amidala


Darth Vader


Clone Trooper


Mace Windu




General Grievous






Emperor Palpatine


Which Revenge of the Sith Character are you?
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and I would have taken the test until this was the answer
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