some lights seem eternal
in this springtime of hope

I dream of dreaming

April 07, 2005
Saturday I am getting air conditioning again. Air Conditioning means that I will not have to hear the ghetto or be plagued by the joys of springtime, allergies. At least I hope I have spontaneously developed allergies and have not caught some new, tragic disease.

The other great thing about the air conditioning is that we will no longer be able to hear the neighborhood. We live in a loud area. We are near the hospital and fire station, but not near enough the police station, or substation. Right now, we are listening to the neighbors argue. We are listening but wish we were not. I almost wish I paid attention to studying Spanish but I am glad I did not � I could really care less about their argument. At least if I have to hear you, I want to understand you.

Tomorrow is a sixteen-hour day. I have one full day of teaching and an eight-hour shift at my second job. I am really tired. I hope I am not dying.

10:31 PM :: 2 comments so far ::
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