some lights seem eternal
in this springtime of hope

well done, thou good and faithful servant

April 03, 2005
Today my sister and I went to the KIA Store where they were liquidating rental cars. We were doing this because they were giving a four thousand trade-in to any car you could bring them. This was the most logical solution to the broken windshield. They wanted me to trade my car in as well but I am very happy in my car in that it is paid for and made of plastic. While I would like a new car or even a new-to-me car with less miles, problems and speakers not blown out by my sister, I am content in the Saturn for now.

I did ding my car at the gas station on the way home, in an accident that can be best described as, �other people are incredibly inconsiderate.�

I am very saddened by the passing of John Paul II. I am glad for him that he is no longer suffering and in his glory. In response to the criticisms leveled at him by other diarists: every diarist who has said something negative about him that I have read is an atheist who worships the god or goddess, �Me.� If they were a leader, they would lead by the polls because they do not feel anything beyond them is important.

John Paul II may have had views about women, birth control, and the right to life that are unpopular and lack the contemporary stamp of approval that Americans thirst for, but he was also the most tolerant, open-minded Pope the church has seen. Rome was not built in a day and nor will it be reformed in one day, or papacy. He fostered communication between different Christian sects and other religions. He removed the excommunications of Martin Luther and Copernicus � largely symbolic but important, returned artifacts to the Patriarchs of the Eastern Orthodox church stolen over the years, and apologized for atrocities committed in the name of Christ against people for centuries against other religions and humanity in general.

We would be so lucky to have someone as open minded and tolerant as the next Pope or ever again. These people, who are tearing John Paul II down for his imperfections, are the same people who want us to overlook theirs completely.

The pontiff is the public face of Christianity; we have not had such an attractive one in recent memory. It is my fervent prayer that the person who fills his very large shoes does it as well, or better than he did.

When I met the Pope and went to Papal Audiences, I was always amazed at the electricity he created in the room when we arrived � not unlike any great leader or statesman � but impressed that he was very personable, aware of himself and his awesome influence but he was humble because he knew that as our shepherd he was ultimately here to serve God by serving humanity.

When I heard that he had passed into eternity I thought, �Well done, thou good and faithful servant.�

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