some lights seem eternal
in this springtime of hope

Okay, I�m a liar. But I don�t exaggerate.

March 14, 2005
Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow, so far, is not as terrible as everyone made it sound. I like the retro imagery and the story is not completely terrible. It reminds me of Indiana Jones, only less preachy.

The new Star Wars Trailer came to my attention today and I have watched at least one hundred times trying to decipher clues from it about the new movie. The main thing I want to know is: will it suck. George Lucas has proved to be the master of one thing if nothing else � an excellent trailer.

Also, how is Jimmy Smits going to run the United States of America from the West Wing on NBC if he also is the Galactic Senator from and Viceroy of Alderaan? I think this is a conflict of interest (to nerds everywhere) that should be addressed. Does this mean that Carrie Fisher is going to be on the West Wing as well? As long as they keep Lily Tomlin, I am happy. After Kipp�s hair, my happiness is all that really matters.

Today I had to make the police report for my sister so I could cover up her car. The Welcoming Committee had sent another delegation to throw snow into my sister�s car. I cannot say I blame them, if there was a car with a basketball-sized hole in the windshield I would see if I could get a snowball through it as well. I made the police report and covered up the car.

Finally, our compulsion to save everything paid off! I used an old shower curtain liner to cover the brokenness of the windshield but slamming it one door, throwing it over the car and slamming it into the other door.

I received an installment on my inheritance today from my Grandmother who died last April. For a brief time she was a member of my religious order as well and I have no idea if this has anything to do with anything but money was set aside from her meager estate for her grandchildren to go to college. There are ten grandchildren. I was the oldest and I am the first grandchild (adoption bumps the order of people) and the first to go to college. Only three of us have been to college, one has post secondary training and one is still too young to go to college.

There are mutterings about unfairness because Grandma prized one possession � a civil war vintage pocket watch that belonged to her Great Grandfather who worked the rail lines after the Civil War, and she loved Scrabble. I inherited the watch and the Scrabble set. No one else asked for the Scrabble set. As the first grandson, I have thirty-one flavors of primogeniture over the watch. I now have a large amount of cash courtesy of my Grandmother, who is my very own Horwendil more each day. I hope the check does not bounce. That would be very un-cool. Graduate School preparations are wrapping up and I need this money.

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