some lights seem eternal
in this springtime of hope

snow like hell, please

February 10, 2005
I hope I do not have school tomorrow, the past three days have been enough.

Someone who disagrees with my diet fed me something today that put me OFF my diet, and I resent that on a million levels what really gets me is this: I am diabetic, you may disagree with my diet but you have business altering my blood sugar. In my opinion, this is assault. I eat lean meats, vegetables and as few carbohydrates as humanly possible. I avoid sugar like bubonic plague and I am not �dieting� for vanity. I am doing the things I am doing out of self-preservation.

As we embark on the season of Lent, a time when many in my faith give something up I was excused from this exercise because I have given up so much already. Our pastor suggested adding something positive to our lives that we currently lack and I am searching for the right thing but really, I would like to feel something other than disappointment. I cannot believe someone pushed me off the wagon because of their misguided notions of medical science.

12:52 AM :: 6 comments so far ::
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