some lights seem eternal
in this springtime of hope

Accountablity - February 2005

February 01, 2005
Today is the First of February and it is time to hold myself accountable for my New Year�s Resolutions:

Lose Weight
I have lost (drum roll) twenty-five pounds since the beginning of this diet, only strayed from my plan once but with good cause.

Get in Shape
I have joined the gym and faithfully gone four times a week in January. I hope to move that to every day, but gradual changes seem to stick better than drastic ones.

Put off Diabetes
So far, so good: the blood sugar and ketones have remained in acceptable ranges.

Read More
I am working on The Purpose Driven Life, 365 Days Daily Devotions from Martin Luther, and His Excellency: George Washington this is addition to daily time spent in the Bible and reading for work (which I don�t count). My subscription to Atlantic Monthly will begin in March.

Keep on top of grading

Promote the Spritopias Brand
All engines are running at full steam.

How are your resolutions?

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