some lights seem eternal
in this springtime of hope

George Foreman, meh

January 25, 2005
I had a high-flying day at school. I was all energy, all day. I got home to crash and burn in a way that would make the Hindenburg proud. I did not even know that I was tired and I do not even remember falling asleep. I woke up in puddle of drool on top of my bed and the laundry that I folded this morning before work. I also have to rewash one or two items. My fingers and legs are all pins and needles so I am wondering if something is wrong with me, however I will not see a doctor about this until something turns a color or develops an aroma. Ignore it and it will go away. ie Bill Clinton�s �policy� on terrorism

I hope you are jealous that George Foreman is making me dinner. I will go down in history as the first person to die in a fire caused by one of his grills. I never under estimate my ability to wreak havoc in my own life. I was once asked in a job interview, what is your own tragic flaw? I had a hard time choosing one tragic flaw but the more I think about it, my inability to come up with an excuse. I just admit I screwed things up. I did not take the job, because I am not enthusiastic about working for hippies; they are poor leaders. I am not a touchy/feely person and if an interview is too heavy on touchy/feely questions, I know that I am not the man for your job. I am in touch with my feelings; they get an email once or twice a year.

This George Foreman burger is not the best burger I have ever eaten, in fact I would go as far as to say, �disappointing.� I like my burgers with catsup (Heinz even) on a sesame seed bun. I will have to look up what sesame seeds do to my blood sugar. Maybe next time I can sprinkle some on the cheese. The cheese does not melt as it does on a conventional burger and this bothers me.

What is not disappointing is that the grill is easy to clean and I do not have to stand over it like a fifth grader I cannot trust. The burgers are not like Dad used to make, meaning they are done. My cousin Dan and I want to film my Dad putting steak sauce on a live cow as a statement on how raw he eats his meat.

Click here to read about my opposition to Antonin Scalia & Support for Sandra Day O�Connor for Chief Justice

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