some lights seem eternal
in this springtime of hope

I'm glad you lost

January 20, 2005
I have to say this: I am disgusted by the leftists in America today. We have lost our liberals and seen them replaced with ugly, hateful people.

During the Democratic National Committee�s Convention, you did not see Conservatives protesting in the streets of Boston. Do not think it is not because we lacked opposition to Senator Kerry or your ideas, it is not that we were shielded from the media, it is because with the exception of two nerds dressed as flip-flops we allowed you your Convention. We allowed you your moment in the spotlight. You did not hear of gangs of conservatives roaming Boston looking for errant delegates to beat up because it did not happen.

However, during the Republican Convention in New York, thousands came to protest, peacefully and still more came to make a scene. I have no problem with marches, I have no problem with sit ins, I have no problem with peaceful means of self-expression. I protest, I protest many things and even sometimes lend my voice and feet to causes that affect me not at all. I have joined protests in Italy on vacation and walking home from school.

I was beat up twice during one day at the RNC. Dorothy Koch, the President�s little sister was attacked once by a crowd when leaving a restaurant with a hail of beer bottles and invective. Someone planned that because I refuse to believe that average empty beer bottle totting American roaming the streets recognizes the President�s little sister and decides to let loose a bottle, spontaneously with a crowd of other similarly armed people. Thankfully, she had the Secret Service there to protect her, God only knows what you leftists would have done.

Then, during the Convention speeches people tried to shout down the speakers, you have a right to your opinion, your convention, and time in the spotlight and in a surprise to you, so do we. I am sure there are conservatives who would have done the same thing but you do not see that kind of action on our side of the aisle. Even during Clinton, when we had a great to deal to protest we allowed everyone their time in the spotlight.

So as someone personally affected by your hate, I am glad you lost. I am glad the American people saw your behavior at your convention and your behavior at ours, listened to your hateful rhetoric and actions and said, �I am not validating this kind of action.�

That morning in New York, as I walked down Broadway on my way to my appointment, that I was not sure that I wanted to vote for Bush. I was contemplated my voting options when I started to get pushed around. At first I thought I had been bumped into and then I realized that I was in serious trouble. I was in the middle of a small group of angry people about my age and how they knew I was conservative, I do not know, but if it had not been for the soldiers on the street corner, I would be toast. It happened again later that day. The second time I said to the people, �Your protest just influenced my vote.� I do think before I vote and I did not want to validate that behavior, behavior you do not see from the right side of the aisle.

God Bless America, God Bless the President, God help us get over ourselves.

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