some lights seem eternal
in this springtime of hope

It is the most disgusting, non-lethal Nobel Peace Prize winner

January 15, 2005
One of my favorite things to do while driving is to put the radio on scan and let it scan the stations for hours on end. That is not entirely true, my sister and friends just claim that of me because I am incredibly fussy about what I will listen to on the radio and will spend most of the time convinced that something better is on the radio. Sometimes you hear strange things as one person is cut off mid-sentence and another picks up in the middle of another one, I had to pull over today to write �It is the most disgusting, non-lethal Nobel Peace Prize winner.�

An old friend called me today, I knew this person in High School. I had no idea how they found my number but they called me to let me know that a mutual ex-girlfriend of ours was on cops, outside a rusted mobile home, cigarette hanging out of her mouth, pregnant with a baby cocked on her hip as several dirty children swarmed, in various stages of undress around her. I want to believe that story, but I do not. I do not believe that person for a minute. I hope I am not the only person who secretly wishes for the horrible demise for a former love that scorned us. I remind myself of the Volkswagen ad where the guy is on a test drive to impress a former girlfriend.

Today my philosophical comments were, �The faults we see in others are magnified in ourselves� and �All arguments are stupid when viewed through the lens of time.�

Have a great Sunday.

11:47 PM :: 2 comments so far ::
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