some lights seem eternal
in this springtime of hope

Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia- Fear of long words.

January 10, 2005
Today we had a potluck at the school to create movement towards reconstituting our parent/teacher league. I am in the strict phase of my diet and at that to my spermophobia (fear of germs, it is the fear of germs) and I had a free pass to not eat the food. This potluck was the height of lame starting with our pastor giving a prayer about how absolutely terrible the school is and how we need to improve.

We do need to improve and one of the improvements we need is a pastor who does his job, not ours. He leads no Bible study, there are no social groups in the church and he has not visited a sick person or shut in for months, some have not received a visit from him in a year and a half. While he has been remiss in his duties, I am appalled that he had the gall to say we were not performing ours. Do not let your heart be troubled, I will say something.

While I was washing the dishes (from food I did not eat?) the president of the congregation where I work asks me, in front of a group of people, why I had not joined the congregation here. I asked, �what does your church have to offer?� He was dumbfounded. He responded that he thought that I should join the congregation and when I asked why again he could not answer me. He did have contribution envelopes for me, and you have to love that. We are not there for you when you might need some support from your faith community, but please send cash. Do not let your heart be trouble; I did say something.

I reminded him that in the short time I have been there I have lost family members, friends and my dog and no one in the congregation said anything to me about EXCEPT their accountant who deposited my stipend for me while I was away at one of the funerals, and I had to miss work on each of these occasions (except the dog) so they knew that something had happened. I tend to keep a low profile but this is not just a job this is a church, we are supposed to be a cut above the rest in how we treat each other.

Add to this the near constant break-ins my car suffered the first year I lived here, the half-truths and lies I was told about this institution and what it had to offer a person, especially a young, single person, I can only say I am disappointed.

Every other church I have worked at they have responded appropriately and lovingly in these situations, and upon learning of the sad events of the past year and a half have even expressed their regrets and condolences.

This place could care less about as people and really only want me as a member to contribute financially. When he tried to hand me the contribution envelopes I wanted to hand in my keys. I am that tired of the peripheral aspects of this job.

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