some lights seem eternal
in this springtime of hope

2004 Retrospective

December 31, 2004

This year I lost my grandmother, my dog, and a friendship that I thought was solid dissolved in an initially ugly way that later shocked me at how mature I could actually be in a tough situation.

The bridges between my mother�s family and myself were torched this year as well. Things started to call apart in 2003 but came to a head at my paternal grandmother�s funeral and resolved themselves on Christmas Eve.

Losing the dog was the hardest part, he was endearing and he loved me. I cannot say that about the other people I lost this year.

This year I gained, worked on, built stronger relationships with the family I have kept. I am not one for closeness in general or with my family in particular but in 2004 I opened up to the possibility that it could happen in a healthy way. This was a time I was glad I was wrong.

I kept my childhood friends � something Army brats don�t usually do well if they try at all. I am glad I did, thing progressed to a point where I could keep my new friends or my old friends. Always keep the old friends.

I also gained great friendships online and/or resolved differences with other diarists. Suburban Island remains my mentor in bloging, as does Golf Widow and Forty Plus. Trinity and I have become Click here to go to the most excellent web page on earth close and I value her new friendship a great deal.

In a great surprise, mainly to me, Pandionna and I have beaten our swords into plowshares and developed an adult, friendly relationship.


The diet starts on January 3.

I, like Pandionna, am not bothering with the trolls either, Hamiltonian and They Knew fancy themselves my nemesis, but really, go check out my Nemesis. Here are the ingredients for a Spritopian Nemesis: one part snark, a part English grammar, one part standard English spelling (North American, British or Australian), (at least) one half human brain (more is fine), attractive layout/template, one cup mental health, two parts respect for others, and your own gimmick or schtick.
I am starting my Master of Arts.

I am going to be a better friend to the friends who are worth it and follow Yvonne�s example of trimming the fat.

Happy New Year. Be safe, and Jack Justin, don't put anything in your mouth that isn't wrapped.

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