some lights seem eternal
in this springtime of hope

How well you learn/To not discern/Who's foe and who is friend

November 13, 2004
I was going to refrain from my rant that has been welling up in my heart and in my head about Mr. Arafat�s passing. Let us take a moment to reflect about what he contributed the world. He is the father of modern terrorism. He killed people. He trained others to kill people.

And, yes, I think you are anti Semitic for hating Israel and Israelis. They are Jews. They are Semites. You hate Semites; you are then anti Semitic. That was so painful to write out because it should not be such a hard transition even if your tiny bigoted mind.

Arafat was a bad, bad man. I am astounded that people who want me to take them seriously try to convince me otherwise. Honestly, it is beyond absurd and just when you thought you had not gone far enough you have to call George W. Bush a monster for attacking terrorism. The War in Iraq, no matter how stupid, was waged against a government and soldiers � not civilians. I recognize that in war, civilians are killed but the difference between the two men is that Bush never intended to kill civilians; it was an unfortunate side effect of the unfortunate thing called war.

You cannot tell me a man who threw grenades into a Kindergarten was in anyway decent, at any level. You cannot call a man who danced in the street on 9/11 our friend.

Many of you pointed out the good things Arafat had done, but a man with his people in mind instead of his pride would have taken what Barak had offered and worked for more, or he could have counter proposed.

The truth is that while in the Western Press Arafat had been saying he wanted peace and disavowed terrorism and in the Arab Press, during his visits to Qadafi and Saddam Hussein he would talk about wanting every Israeli dead, Israel gone, and wished death on America as well.

Hitler did good things. Should we call him a decent human, a statesman? No one elected Arafat; at least a small group of Germans picked Hitler as their leader.

Furthermore, when I read, �The question now is what will the racist Israeli government do, as they depend on battling Arafat for political gain.� I thought to myself, �That is the single most ignorant thing I have read or heard all week.� That is tough to do because I work with children and have a part time working with people who pride themselves on being illiterate.

Whoever said that is ignorant of the history of Israel and their politics, but from critical reading of their page and the comments they insist on leaving here it is quite clear that the prefer to have Michael Moore and the half-baked �they knew� crowd think for them instead of formulating thoughts and observations from more sources than one. I find it troubling that you would give Arafat and Hussein the benefit of the doubt, but not the President of your own country. I do not think you should blindly follow any person, but I do think that if I could Bill Clinton the benefit of my patriotic benefit of the doubt, you could give an inch.

9:15 PM :: 3 comments so far ::
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