some lights seem eternal
in this springtime of hope

If they could dance around me with a pig�s head on a pike, they would.

November 11, 2004
On Monday, two of my students got into a fight during gym class. The two boys I can depend on not to act as idiots went and did it. When I picked them up from Gym, the teacher informed me that they had been in a fight and before they had an opportunity to trade accusations, I looked at both of them and said, �I am disappointed in you both� and sent them back up to the room.

As I stalked back up to my classroom, I rehearsed what I was going to say to them. Where, exactly, had they left their brains this morning? Where did they think they were going to school? I do not teach in public school because I am actively avoiding the shenanigans of the public school population, thank you very much.

That is just the germane topics that ran through my head.

When I got back to the room, I took the podium and looked at the eleven faces looking back at me and said, �Name and name, you know right from wrong. I cannot express in words how disappointed I am at your behavior.� Class, open your grammars to page one hundred eight, we are reviewing the four types of sentences. Matthias, what is the first clue you have that a sentence if interrogative?�

The two boys cried. As well, they should have, disappointing someone is a terrible feeling and I have to be honest that I have never been disappointed in someone in my life before Monday. Sure, I have been let down; this was a new and awful feeling.

Usually, all I have to say is, �you�re on my list,� a reference to President Nixon�s head on Futurama. They understand this cultural reference. When something happens in my classroom, which is rare, I have to look up what to do because we use the discipline policy so rarely that after two years I still do not have it memorized, and I wrote it.

you�re on my list

Courtesy of Breath Taken, a map: She dreams in color, she dreams in red.

I'm the Most Interesting Person in the World!
I'm the Most Interesting Person in the World!
Take Just How Interesting Are You? today!
Created with Rum and Monkey's Personality Test Generator.

I gotta hand it to you, buddy, you are probably more interesting than I am. Go write your own quiz!

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