some lights seem eternal
in this springtime of hope

not another one

November 11, 2004
I cannot wait for Ramadan to be over. My part time job is one part Moroccan, one part Polish, and one part Puerto Rican. Like anyone fasting, my Moroccan coworkers are lethargic and cranky. I realize that this is an important part of their religion but I do not take out my religious beliefs on anyone else like this.

Like a dork, I am excited about the upcoming Star Wars movie. I have no idea why I am excited when the last two movies were more disillusioning both my senior prom dates combined (and at that point you have a whole lot of woman). George Lucas had a great classic movie trilogy that he should have left alone. Now, he went and made these two movies proving what he said after the release of Return of the Jedi, �The problem that most Science Fiction movies have is that they spend so much time with the sets and costumes that they forget to have a compelling story or a plot.�

Will I go see Return of the Sith? Yes, I have to see this thing through. I have to know how it ends and I am hoping that somehow he makes up for all the crap of the second film in the third film.

However, now is the time for me to prepare for the Apprentice. Whom will the Donald fire today? I cannot wait to find out.

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