some lights seem eternal
in this springtime of hope

something happened today in history, and as you can tell it was not important enough for me to remember it

November 07, 2004

I forgot to mention the most salient fact in the whole issue of the Golf Widow rumor: it is a lie. The rumor about Golf Widow is simply untrue. How dare you say such a horrible thing about her!

I think I was trying for employee of the month at my part time job again. I really ran a lot tonight, I worked harder than I normally would. This is my part time job and when someone asks me, �do you work here?� I normally tell them, �I am employedhere, but I would not say that I worked here.� I try to avoid dishonesty whenever possible.

One of the legions of assistant managers at my second job told me that she was going to fire someone and I asked if I could watch her do it. She acted like she did not hear me say that, but I want to see if she fires with style like Donald Trump or no. Honestly, I have never been fired from a job but if I am I hope that it dramatic, humiliating, and worthy of me retelling the story.

If I ever worked for someone as ridiculous as Donald Trump I would not expect to last long. I would take issue with something and need to point it out to them, �You need a haircut� would be the first and last thing I would say to Donald Trump.

My feet hurt and that is all I have to complain about today. A day without complaining, whatever will I do? My house is clean, my laundry is done, and there is only grading left to do before school starts again tomorrow.

Sometimes I feel like I am on a horrible gerbil wheel, and my life is on a constant Groundhog Day replay � only it goes from week to week instead of day to day.

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