some lights seem eternal
in this springtime of hope

use protection

November 07, 2004

Wear Gloves

At my part-time job, I am often in the kitchen making the food, more than I am serving the food. In the grill we wear latex (rubber) gloves all of the time and wear another set of gloves (color coded) when we are doing specific tasks. I keep thinking that Al Gore would blow a gasket if he knew what has going on but he has not struck me as, �in touch with reality� in quite some time.

One of our bosses, the aforementioned stern Polish woman, was stressing to us the importance of wearing gloves in order to stop the spread of disease. Unfortunately, she calls the latex gloves, �rubbers.�

She said, �The meat is someone else�s. When you are handling someone else�s meat, make sure there is a rubber. We have big rubbers for you, Paul, and little rubbers for you, Chris, use as many rubbers as you need. James puts his used rubbers in his pocket and saves them for later, this is dirty. Each new piece of meat needs a new rubber. We have plenty of rubbers � use as much as you need!� At this point, I was in tears and I know that this was sophomoric and I should not have enjoyed it as much as I did, but to see such a serious, stern Polish woman talking so dirty was hilarity extraordinaire.

I am a little embarrassed that everyone I work with knows I need little rubbers. I will kill Mr. Kenobi for this outrage.

Rumors Are Bad

Two of my readers are spreading a rumor that Golf Widow is evil. Their reasoning aside, I cannot speak in strong enough terms in support of Golf Widow. Golf Widow has been known to chastise people on occasion, never without cause or provocation. Everyone ever chastised on her page has done something to deserve it, notably the whole Clay Rhino debacle, and she has never insulted them as much as their actions. Other bloggers that she has commented on in a less than favorable light have not been named, linked to, or abused for anything other than their own actions.

She does a good job of pointing out actions that are undesirable while steering clear of personal attacks on individuals. In the profession, we call this, �positive peer pressure in social skill development.�

Cease and desist on the Antigolfwidowism, I will not tolerate it.

11:13 AM :: 2 comments so far ::
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