some lights seem eternal
in this springtime of hope

It looks good on you, but I would never have bought it.

October 24, 2004
This weekend I polluted my brain with two things: Fahrenheit 9/11 and Fahrenhype 9/11. I leave both experiences pretty disgusted. There is a great deal of reasons to dislike President George W. Bush; Michael Moore did not need to go spin a web of lies and fiction. I am honestly more enraged, as an anti-gun person, about Bowling of Columbine than Fahrenheit 9/11.

If I were Michael Moore, or had his ability to make films and project my voice to a large audience around the world, I would presented a movie that sought to persuade conservatives, Republicans, and right-leaning independents and moderates to my way of thinking. What Michael Moore did was preach to the choir, enrage the leftists in this nation before the election � which I find irresponsible.

None of you bothered to read or understand the Patriot Act. The absurdity of the argument Mr. Bush and Mr. Kerry are having about Mr. Kerry�s remarks comparing terrorism to prostitution and other facets of organized crime is that the Patriot Act did not empower the government to do anything new, it only put the tools the FBI uses to fight organized domestic crime to fighting organized terrorist crimes.

Attorney General John Ashcroft is derided for his Christian faith and his handling of the war on terror, as Direct Mueller � but had Janet Reno and Louis Freeh been competent then perhaps the terror attacks that punctuated their tenure would not have reached the fevered pitch they did on September 11, 2001. Reno and Freeh did all of the things that Ashcroft and Mueller are doing � but neither of them obtained the approval of the Senate � while you are voting for Senators Kerry and Edwards remember that they empowered John Ashcroft and everything that displeases you so much (and by that I mean �protecting America�).

Several diarists have shared the stories about how the security services in our country � citizens who come from blue-collar backgrounds and volunteered for the jobs � have removed people with slogans on their shirts or beat up protestors. Two things our security services are permitted to do because of Supreme Court cases stemming from attacks on then First Lady, currently Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton, and (then) Vice-President Al Gore. �Protect Civil Liberties� is something that people who are ill informed and leftist would wear � not something that someone who read the Patriot Act would put on. Being a teacher does not make you literate or informed as the woman mentioned were.

More important is what the security services were doing, protecting the President using a rubric devised by Vice-President Al Gore. Those women put on those shirts and filed them selves into a demographic likely to do something ill-thought at the rally � weather they intended to anything or not. People likely to attack the President, a member, or symbol of his Administration set themselves apart consciously or unconsciously. This is profiling, it is not pretty, but on several occasions that have been documented it has saved the President, First Lady, or Vice-President�s life � from either administration. No one is honestly looking out for Lynne Cheney; she is our version of Theresa Heinz-Scary and Tipper Gore was so tanked that she would not have noticed being shot.

The internet has many better expositions of the facts gone wrong on Fahrenheit 9/11, but I would suggest that if you saw the movie you watch Fahrenhype 9/11, it would be a balance for your mind between the two opposing sides. However, even the liberals and leftists that I read, or that read me, are not going to do this because their support for Kerry and opposition to Bush did not need either movie, they hated him before 2000 and have not given his ideas a chance in either this election or the last.

They cannot really call themselves liberals because they do no open their minds � oddly, I could call myself that because my mind walks right foot, left foot, right foot, left foot � giving both sides of the issue consideration before I stake my own positions. I considered voting for Kerry, I read his positions, as well as looking at his record as a prosecutor, Lieutenant Governor, and Senator. I decided that I did not like Busch Lite and I do not think that Bush Lite was going to be any good either. If you are going to do something, for the love of the Barbara (myexodus), do it right! I know that none of the leftists in liberals clothing did the same thing.

It looks good on you, but I would never have bought it.

8:10 PM :: 2 comments so far ::
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