some lights seem eternal
in this springtime of hope

I am so clean � too bad I cannot get all the dirt off me

October 24, 2004
I went to the movies on Friday and I have to admit that while talking in the movies bothers me and I would prefer that people whispered during movies, I find it more disturbing when people talk to themselves during the movie and sing along with the soundtrack. I was watching Taxi a movie about Amanya (amanya) and I. I went with Mary (jyram) a real life friend who converted to Diary Land. I am lucky to know her, she is great person that I cannot say enough good things about. She also has a kick ass car.

My scar on my head from my car accident in high school is hurting, perhaps Voldemort is after me.

I also watched, Saved which came highly recommended but was a huge disappointment. It was supposed to be funny but I thought it was tragic. The premise of the film is that Christians are ridiculous but the plot of the film involves a girl having sex with her gay boyfriend to cure him of being gay. His parents find his pornography and send him away to some place that cures gays better than bad sex. The girl gets pregnant, hides it from everyone except the misfit children that she becomes friends with, and then at the Prom her gay boyfriend escapes from the place where they try to un-gay the children (by leaving them alone in bedrooms with other gay children � smart) and then the pregnant girl confronts the Pastor about how no one is perfect. The movie was tragic in plot and divisive in premise. It painted all Christians in a bad light, but as a Christian, I have to be the first to admit that we painted the picture for the world. Check my notes for one of my brothers in the faith, he is who the movie mocks and with good cause.

I also do not think that Michael Jackson jokes are funny. What he did was terrible and a sing of mental illness. If the man is mentally ill, he needs our help not our scorn. The parents who knew he had a history of child abuse and sent their kids in to make them some money should go to prison. Michael Jackson needs therapy and perhaps prison but everyone who helped him with what he did � from the servants to the parents � needs to be put in prison for what they did. Also, he deserves his day in court just like everyone else.

My scar is still hurting.

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