some lights seem eternal
in this springtime of hope

You�re a prince and a prince can be King

October 22, 2004
Today I am going down to see my relatives as per the events of the week. I am the oldest of my cousins and this means nothing to anyone, except for my Great Grandmother who thinks nothing of putting the world squarely on my shoulders - not that I slack a sense or responsibility it is more that those whom I am supposed to serve and protect do need or want that help.

Part of today is seeing my Grandfather � who is mentally ill � to collect my inheritance from my Grandmother who passed away in April. The problem becomes that I am not sure I want it, I may never want to look at it again in my life but there will be a day when I will want it so I should go get it. There is a lot of consternation surrounding a super deluxe (24/7) scrabble set and a Norrellite Library. Yes, Virginia, there is a Gilbert Norrell, and if I could effect my living room to look like Hurtfew Abbey, I would feel better about living in it.

My great grandmother may think me a �good man� and �responsible;� my mother and Godmother still think of me as a little boy, a perception fraught with advantages. They still have a close eye on me with no faith in my powers, and I am a super power. I am supposed to call my mother before I enter my Grandfather�s house, and as soon as I leave it. He is dangerous and neither my mother nor my Godmother think I am up to the task of dealing with him. We are not referring to him as mentally ill to imply dementia, depression, or any other affliction that carries stigma without threat. His problems make him vicious � verbally but sometimes physically.

I hole the minority opinion that he is to be an object of pity, the product of a terrible upbringing and environment having molded a boy into a man who has profound difficulty in the world. The rest of my family views him as an object of scorn. Considering the experience of anyone who has encountered him; I do not blame them. I hold this opinion for a couple of days myself until my faith gets the better of me after having visited him � and it is my faith that brings me there, any of us who visit, because no one would go on their own desire for that man�s company.

The Princess often said that when we stop believing in the ability of people to be changed for the good it is a sign that we have lost faith in God. God can change hearts and lives for the better and the Bible illustrates that on my so many occasions.

We will see, I always leave there irritated and with a mouth full of snark. I speak here to my magnanimous attitude but my actions in the heat of the moment can be the epitome of childish. I need to remember today to show the compassion I would like to be shown, treated with the deference I would want from my progeny and that faith without works is dead. I need to use my powers for good � or at least not for evil.

We will see. I go in there with a big heart and leave with a big hurt, every time. That is what causes my mothers to worry and I am lucky in that respect. The princess also has said that family functions to keep a person from ever being to proud of themselves, there will always someone to remind you of all your faults and shortcomings in a way that the rest of the world never can.

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