some lights seem eternal
in this springtime of hope

CBS? I don't believe it!

September 26, 2004
I watched the Star Wars trilogy on DVD this weekend. I am amazed that Rebellion took three movies, Storm Troopers cannot hit the broad side of a band while standing next to it.

Many of my peers wanted to be Luke Skywalker but closer analysis says that it is cooler to be Han Solo. Besides having a cooler ride, he dates the only girl in the galaxy. What does Luke Skywalker get to do? Play with that light saber of his.

One thing about going away for the weekend � the rest is important because there is a lot of work to do when you come back home.

Another thing that I did not mention in the �song that never ends� entry before this one was the awkwardness of this weekend. My mother�s family has been having a huge interpersonal problem for the past couple of years, this came to a head last year when two of my mother�s siblings tried to use my sister as a scapegoat for something. My grandparents, aunts, and uncles were sure to be rid of my sister and parents but they were not counting on my having a backbone and conversely not having anything to do with them because of all this.

This weekend was awkward, and sometimes a little tense. I have gotten good at having tense conversations with people: directing the flow of conversation, avoiding topics, and changing the subject. Someone should tell my uncle though that when you are told to dig for information and you are given a list of questions to ask someone that what you are doing is obvious is you keep referring to your PDA.

I was flipping through channels and Andy Rooney, of Sixty Minutes, just asked that all the �stupid people� not vote. I am sure he meant, �people who disagree with Andy Rooney,� as he subscribes to the liberal ideology of �everyone is entitled to their point of view � as long as it aggress with ours.�

I am really disappointed in CBS for what they did to the President. My sister said it the best when she said, �there are so many TRUE things to dislike the man for that you don�t NEED to go around making things up.� CBS� actions show me that the left is �running scared� in this election and I think that Bush is going to win. It is like Clinton in 1996, when you do not touch the President�s policy actions and just attack his personal flaws you hand him the election. Reelections are a referendum on the Administration and Kerry and his leftist allies are screwing themselves out of an election by making �Anyone But Bush,� their mantra without making a case for it.

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