some lights seem eternal
in this springtime of hope

Can Kaiser Wilhelm and Bob Dole shake hands? Like a poloroid picture?

September 03, 2004
I got an inane note, which I have deleted, about the recount of Florida. I deleted the note because it contained too many factual errors to be included in this or any diary that I have a veto. This diary is not a place where unfounded criticism of the President is welcome. Founded, truthful criticism is something different.

Missing Ballots
The point of their note started out okay: a few, maybe many, ballot boxes never made it to the places where they get counted. I know this � but what they would never point out was that this happened in Republican and Democratic areas. Both sides had ballot boxes missing. This happened all over America, it happens in every election. It is unfortunate but it also happens in democracies around the world.

They also blamed President Bush for 9/11. This is mildly retarded. The 9/11 Commission was clear that no one individual in over Government is personally responsible for the attacks. I have kept my opinion that Bill Clinton is responsible for not having responded to the terror attack on the World Trade Center, our troops in Saudi Arabia, our Embassies, and the USS Cole. If President Clinton had done his job instead of his intern, we would be better off. Clinton failed to lead on so many occasions and this one is the most tragic. I am glad that Governor Pataki said what he did last night. It is true. We had not responded for so long that terrorist thought we had no will. They were wrong.

Also, Michael Moore, the left�s hero of the fairy tell does not mention that good old Bill let Mohammed Atta and three other high jackers out of prison and into the United States. Maybe they were not terrorists. Maybe there were just stopping by to thank Bill for letting them out of jail and into school. What a peach.

Do I think President Clinton planned and executed the attack? No. Do I assign some blame to a man eight years in office instead of eight months? Absolutely.

the economy, stupid
The economy was in recession starting in 1998. President Bush inherited this recession from President Clinton who inherited a GROWING economy when he took office. The last six months of the previous President Bush were GOOD for America economically. The economy takes time to improve and to decline. If you look at what Clinton did in office you see one of two things: him doing what was easily done or offensive to no one, or, you see him co-opting the Republican Congressional Agenda.

What? No! He balanced the budget and reduced taxes, Spritopias! No, if HE had done that then HE would have done it when HIS party controlled Congress and NOT when that half wit Newt Gingrich took over.

The War
The war was necessary for a couple of reasons.

Weapons of Mass Destruction
Everyone believed he had them. The United States, our allies like the British and Australians, our social friends like China and Russia, our enemies like France and Germany, they all believed that Saddam possessed WMD. We all sold them to him as well, where did they go? The French, Germans and Russians opposed the war on the grounds of what they said but because they were owed money by the Iraqis and had to cover up for bribes from Saddam. More than that, Saddam was trying to get WMD and had used them on his own people.

Acts of War
If John Kerry were President, Saddam would still be in power running his rape rooms and torture chambers, defying the civilized world and having a good time. If Saddam Hussein wanted to kill John Kerry�s father it would be, under international law, an Act of War. Why? Well, ABBtard, that�s a subversion and manipulation of our political process. It is not allowed under international or US law. What if Al Gore were president, and his father still alive � then what is it? Oh, that is even worse because Al Gore senior was a leader in his part. We reach a climax because at the time the threat was made against George HW Bush he was himself a former president, a party leader, and the father of two leaders in the Republican party. That is an act of war.

Coordinating with terrorists, NOT for Al Qaida but against the US, is also an act of war

Shooting at our pilots, daily, is also an act of war.

The UN
This one, in my opinion, is the most important. We could not let Saddam continue to ignore the will of the civilized world and the UN. The UN also could not keep making decisions and not enforcing those decisions. The person who left the note was a teacher in a past life. They should know that when you make a threat or a demand you MUST follow through with it. You cannot say, �If you do not, we will�� and then NOT follow through on that. You have to stick to your word.

The world is a better place without Saddam and with George W. Bush.

Perhaps the President should have gathered an international coalition? He did. France and Germany do not a coalition make. Many countries stood with us, just because they were from France or Germany does not discount them.

Good Reasons to dislike Bush

There are good reasons to dislike Bush.

He went to Yale and Harvard. He was born into a wealthy, well-connected family, and lacked for nothing. He knows Barbara Pierce Bush personally. Everyone I know that dislikes Bush went to a second rate school, is not well off and comes from an everyday family � but wishes they had been born rich instead of beautiful.

He abuses our language. I know I prefer to read, rather than watch, his speeches. Last night, however, was excellent exception to the rule.

He is pro-life and I understand how offensive that is to pro-choice activists.

He is against gay marriage. He is clearly on the wrong side of history on that issue. That issue, I think, will mar his eight years in office more than any of accomplishments could make it shine.

If I read you, you do not have to tell me you disagree. I know you disagree. If you do not know me, read back two entries. ABBtards attacked me the other day in New York. I have lost my sense of humor and decorum for the lies and hate of the left.

The economy is moving forward, we are safer, and we have a leader who knows where he stands.

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