some lights seem eternal
in this springtime of hope

welfare for dumbies

August 17, 2004
things that amused me in the news today, the first was this headline: Yale Degree Helpful in Getting CIA Jobs . There could be more to that story than the headline because I will never read the article. Yale is the best school in the United States and the entire Western Hemisphere. It is ranked above Harvard and Princeton. It was a shock to me to find it ranked over the University of Louisville where so many jerks from home went and mocked my college. I thought basketball and being admitted simply because you were from Kentucky were good things. Apparently, Yale has something going on that other schools do not. I have been to New Haven many times since moving to New England and it is a pretty school. Maybe looking like Hogwarts is good for a school.

However, it is the best school in the Western Hemisphere, I would bet that it is also helpful in getting any job, any place. Not only is it the best school in the Western Hemisphere it also has special education programs as well for the functionally retarded. John Kerry, two George Bushes, and the Clintons all graduated from Yale. I think Harvard offers a major in slime ball too but the Yale degree is clearly better.

The headline should have read, Something That Literate People Did Not Already Know.

The other delicious headline of the day:

German concern over U.S. pullout

You know what we call people who use the rhythm method? We call them �Parents who are in need of a shower.�

As you know I grew up on an American Base in Germany, it is not on the table for closure. Of course there is concern over the bases closing because that will mean loses in the billions for the German economy. I do not wake up in the morning thinking that I need to provide social welfare programs for Americans and I certainly do not wake up thinking I need them for people who refer to our President as a Hitler. They know about Hitler over there, having invented and gone along with it. We were there to protect not only the Free World from the Soviet Threat but also from the Germans.

This is what it boils down to for me, considering the pullout is gradual and will not start there is plenty of time for the German economy (and economies world wide) to adjust to the shock of our tax dollars going home to America. Let our tax dollars support Americans and give them jobs. If I were George W. Bush, I would quip that I was bringing foreign jobs back to the United States.

Then you have to consider that on September 11, 2001 the order of the world was exposed, not changed. If you did not know about the terrorist threat from Al Qaida then you have not been paying attention since the Carter Administration. I am not blaming Jimmy Carter. He has done a lot of good out of office. ABBL Team, please note that was a �timeline.� The threat of Al Qaida was emboldened by the Clinton Team�s lack of response and we move to today where we are actually working against terrorism instead of just firing missiles at it and being nice to the French.

I also think that if you are going to be cheerleader for the dangerous game the French Government is playing then you should not be surprised by the reaction of the English Speaking world when it does not want to send you money any longer. In the finest tradition of Vichy, the French are trying to appease the dangerous powers in the world instead of confronting them. They are doing this because since Vichy the French have not been a first rate world power like the United States, United Kingdom, or the Former Soviet Union.

Sure, after 9/11 they had verbal support, but little else. Any student of history knows that after the War of 1812 the British became or natural ally. Liberals will get hoarse talking about how the French were our ally all along but if you look at the motives behind their actions and how they did business, you will see that they were using us against other people or they needed us to become a part of the new Germany of the month.

The liberation of Iraq is a great example. The French had the same intelligence we had but they had something we did not. They had millions in bribes from Saddam Hussein, millions in debt from him and military advisors on the ground who were showing his troops how to shoot our planes down and how to fight our tanks. They were in bed with the Iraqis to check American and British influence in the world, not to support the United Nations and the same goes for Russia who is in the same boat. God Bless China, they opposed us but on a moral ground, which is new for them. Congratulations, China!

I guess my point is: It is too bad those Germans who support a Government that has not supported ours and worked against our Government, to include endangering our soldiers can bite the shiny, metal ass of the Armored Divisions as they leave Europe.

You cannot oppose the Pax Anglia and hope to benefit from it. The Franco-Prussian resistance to the Pax Anglia has been coordinated and a beautiful photo opportunity for Schroeder and Chirac. Now old Gerhard gets to go back to Parliament and explain all this.

I am not saying that Bush is retaliating against the Germans but at the same time they would have something to bring to the table had they supported the Administration or at least not put our soldiers in harm�s way.

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