some lights seem eternal
in this springtime of hope

okay everyone, let's take a giant step BACKWARD

August 12, 2004
Today is not a great day for civil rights in America. Sure, the California Supreme Court nullified marriages that were illegal anyway but a room full of straight people making a decision is not as destructive to the cause of homosexuals /civil rights as perhaps the behavior of homosexuals themselves.

I think Governor James Mc Greevey should have remained in his post. I think it would have done Americans, especially ones who do not support civil rights for homosexuals, good to see someone functioning well at that level of Government.

President Clinton�s affair with Monica Lewinsky was a disgusting thing to have to endure. It was a long national nightmare but that did not mean that Clinton should have left his job. Clinton should have left his job for lying under oath and using his position as President to obtain sex. Using authority to obtain sex is part prostitution but mainly rape.

Governor Paul Patton, a miserable failure as Governor of Kentucky, had an affair while in office. He had a tearful confession after much denial and remained in his job. He did not lie under oath about it and apparently was having this affair before he became Governor.

My religious views on homosexuality aside, because they have no bearing on a civil rights debate, being gay does not disqualify you from being able to do a job. I am sure someone can find something to say about that but you are probably wrong. My religious views on homosexuality also never change the fact that people have civil rights, no matter what anyone thinks about their behavior.

How exactly will having a homosexual governor hurt you? How will homosexual marriage hurt you? �It hurts marriage� is the response. How, exactly, does it hurt it? No one can answer that.

My students would say, �that�s gay� when they heard that he quit his job because he is homosexual. Yes, they do not get away with degrading the sexuality of others, but their point would remain. It is pretty stupid to quit your job because you like men and not women.

It is also pretty selfish to put the civil rights of your whole community one step backward. Ride it out, face the music, be the man you would want to date. Clinton did it and as Dick Cheney pointed out, he did not do anything that was not hard. That is truth. If Clinton can do it, so can you.

Clinton�s family forgave him; the American people did too. I think the people of New Jersey could have overlooked it and forgiven him as well.

I think, homosexual or no, cheating on your spouse is wrong. That is bad for family no matter who makes it up.

My inappropriate aside to all of this is that I really hope he was dating Senator Rick Santorum or some other anti-homosexual nut job in my political party.

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