some lights seem eternal
in this springtime of hope

class warfare

August 04, 2004
There is no food in my house and that is my fault. There is food but it all need to be prepared in some way and I do not feel like doing it at all. I am eating Oreos for breakfast. I hope they are not bad.

I need to go grocery shopping today before I starve out of apathy.

I like how Kerry uses class warfare in his campaign against President Bush. You cannot talk about wanting to unite America by using an inherently divisive method or rhetoric. Rarely will a President unite America for very long at all and we live in divisive times. Kerry cannot do any better or worse than Bush has and he has yet to tell me what he did between Vietnam and being nominated at his convention. I also liked Edwards� speech, it was good of him to lift themes from Cheney�s speech and Cheney�s �Hope is on the way� mantra. Edwards is lucky that the American people do not pay attention.

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