some lights seem eternal
in this springtime of hope

Adidas Samba (black, white trim, black laces) 1999-2004, RIP

July 06, 2004
Five years ago, I bought another pair of Adidas Samba. My pair was black with white trim, as they only made black with white trim back in the 1990s. Yesterday after half a decade of faithful service they were laid to rest after I was walked a hole into the heel of my shoe allowing water and God only knows what else to seep into my socks. Socks are wonderful things, designed to absorb the sweat off your feet. Socks are not so wonderful when you are standing outside a dumpster on a rainy day with a giant hole in the sole of your shoe.

Your feet are very important because they control a lot of your physical comfort. When you break your feet, you are immobile. That does not happen with many other body parts. When your feet are cold or even just your toes are cold the rest of you is miserable and getting feet warm is like getting Congress to act. When your feet hurt, then the rest of your body is uncomfortable as well and it does not work that way with every other body part. My fingers had super arthritis action yesterday and the rest of me was fine but when my feet were wet, cold, and sore, the rest of me wanted to die.

Then, with my wet, stinky feet I had to climb things and go into freezers. This only made my feet and the rest of me colder, crankier, and more willing to be a bastard.

The worst part of this is I have lost a good, and faithful servant. Those shoes were the Dick Cheney of shoes. Only I liked them, they were old, classic in style, blunt, and did their job like a pro. Now I need to find a new pair of shoes to wear and to love. I have worn Adidas Samba since the 1980s, not that pair but a different pair each time my feet grew or the Samba died. Now, with the Samba line to available for retail I am stuck looking for something different.

Even I do not understand why this is so traumatic.

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