some lights seem eternal
in this springtime of hope

it's hard to tell if I exist

June 19, 2004
I realized two things:
One I really am psychotic
Two I can never be a parent because I am the kind of parent I hate to see at a Parent/Teacher Conference

I read this and my blood pressure hit the roof. I am not angry with the kid, I am angry at the teacher. What kind of teacher allows this to happen? You do not fail a student without first informing the student and the parent that this was going to happen.

If a student were to fail my class I would feel like I had failed the student. I would let them know ahead of time. I would let their parent know. I would have them in at lunch, recess, before, and after school, If they are failing it means they are not learning and it is my job to insure that learning happens. How can someone, in good conscience, fail a student without at least pretending to attempt to prevent it? Unless I am like our first grade teacher and then I guess my job would be to, �Stand in the front of the room and be a bitch.�

My blood pressure is astronomical right now. It could be used by President Reagan to illustrate the national debt. It�s not even my kid, can you imagine what I would do if it were my kid?

So, I wrote the author of Suburban Island, a dear friend and confidant. I told her my solution to the problem which was to decapitate the offending �teacher� and buy something for her son.

My solution to all of life�s problems is simple: buy something. Happiness, depression, weddings, funerals, you name it and I can buy for it. Specifically I thought this situation called for an iPod.

You see? I can not have my own kids. It would be the end of all seasons.

I keep forgetting that if I pimp anyone I must also pimp out Kipp .

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