some lights seem eternal
in this springtime of hope

oh no you didn't take an hour of my sleep

April 04, 2004
If I didn�t have a crush on Benjamin Franklin I�d say AWFUL things about Day Light Savings because it�s damn queer. Why do we do this? For farmers. I�m so tired of farmers because I know a lot of them from my time in the Mid West and nothing pisses me off more than those stupid jerks collecting there federal subsidies and being paid NOT to farm complaining about immigrants getting social welfare programs. Motherfucker, you�re on welfare too. Farmers account for less than one tenth of one percent of our population and they get a huge chunk of our change! Why? Farming is the American Dream! That�s what they tell you.

My American Dream is to go to the moon, you going to stick my fat ass in a rocket and shoot me into space? My sister wanted to be a Princess and a racecar driver, that was HER American Dream, you going to give her that?

The American Dream is really this, you decide what you want and then you go get it. Uncle Sam doesn�t pay for it for you and I�m really sick and tired of loosing one hour of sleep I wasn�t going to use anyway because someone in Iowa needs help getting up in the morning.

An alarm clock dude, get an alarm clock.

I would support this in 1789 or even 1804 but this is clearly not the days of Ben Franklin.

1:16 AM :: 3 comments so far ::
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