some lights seem eternal
in this springtime of hope

this entry being interesting has the same odds as you being swept away by a tidal wave or abuducted by flying monkeys

March 21, 2004
Caroline got me an aromatherapy set. Its mission is to relax me and make my apartment smell nice. It makes my eyes water and gives me a headache.

I baked cookies for my class today. They were burnt on the bottoms and not cooked on the top, the oven is possessed by the demons that should be tormenting Martha Stewart, not me. Wrong Stewart boys, she�s in the southern part of the state. I�m really unhappy about this, however, the cookies look nice enough in the cookie jar for when my parents come to visit on Tuesday.

This will be their first trip to my apartment ever. I wonder how they�ll like it. I cleaned up but it�s still pretty sad looking because I have no furniture and not much on the walls. I don�t look at the walls and I don�t need a lot of furniture, I have only one ass to sit on. I don�t need a lot. Jenny from the Block (jkookz731) says that my parents should bring me presents. God, I hope so. While my parents are here we�re going to the Mystic Seaport and Aquarium one day and then to Boston for the Freedom Trail another day.

Did Garth Brooks take all of his songs from Billy Joel or just the good ones?

I tried to send a friend an MP3 today over the AIM and it didn�t work. My dream of being a pirate was ruined because of the stupid security placed on my MP3�s by Steve Jobs (bastard) at Apple Computer. I�m going to have to give that pirate patch back to my cousin Alison. I am not worthy to wear it or fly the Jolly Roger. Yeah, I still point at people wearing eye patches and say, �Look, Daniel, Pirates!� but only with Daniel and Alison. For the rest of you? Behavior (unless you steel Jenny from the Block�s parking spot when she�s driving around in Hilter�s Mercedes burning Iraqi Gas, then I yell at you).

Now, now I sleep.

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