some lights seem eternal
in this springtime of hope

ah, Friday Five, for Paula's sake

March 19, 2004
The Friday Five

If you ...

1. ... owned a restaurant, what kind of food would you serve?
I would serve German food and desserts and be the entertainment. I would wear lederhosen, grow a handle bar mustache, play the accordion and sing German drinking songs. Paula (anightwisp) would be all over that.

2. ... owned a small store, what kind of merchandise would you sell? I would sell books, pens and stationary as well as my own very creative greeting cards for those occasions people don�t think of or to say things people wouldn�t say. I would ask Kipp to work there with me, but not really work. We would sit behind the counter while we drank the coffee our �intern� got us at Starbucks and watched Fox News.

3. ... wrote a book, what genre would it be? I am writing a book but I can�t tell you what it�s about. I would like to write one-sided, false political commentary like Al Franken (is the devil) under my real name and fiction under a pen name. I�m using my real name for the politics because I want the hate mail to come to my house not my publicists

4. ... ran a school, what would you teach? I am already a teacher so I�m going to open up a reading clinic in Miami/Dade so I can teach Democrats to read ballots and basic government priniciples like �You made up the butterfly ballot, live with the results� and �the Electoral College � it sucks but it�s the law, jackass� My favorite part of the 2000 election wasn�t that Bush won, but Gore played so many games and lost them. What a jackass. Had he not tried to cheat? He�d be President.

5. ... recorded an album, what kind of music would be on it?
even I�m not that evil

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