some lights seem eternal
in this springtime of hope

The Tutor

March 17, 2004

I�m not impressed with the people on The Apprentice. I want to see people do my job and we�d see who survives. We could call it, �The Tutor.�

We�ll take about sixteen people, half men and half women. We�ll put them in a classroom and make them live off a teacher�s salary supporting a family of four for a school year and see how it works out.

I�d like to see someone take my classroom just a day. I wonder if most adults can go it alone with a room full of ten-year-old boys, for seven hours with twenty minutes for lunch and no bathroom breaks? Could you live off of $1000 a month providing for your family, paying rent and working another six to nine hours above the seven you spend in front of students? Then get your ass out there and earn a master�s degree, pay for it yourself and get a second job so your kids can stay in spectacles and braces while remaining dynamic and interesting

Apprentice my ass.

Home Schooling Moms, you�re not teachers, I dare you to take on teaching. I dare you to do what you�re fronting you do. You wouldn�t last the week. I know home schooling moms. You get a script in the mail and your kid reads and does seat work. I laugh in the face of your �teaching� and take exception to your use of the title of teacher.

Come and get me, you can�t match this.

8:44 PM :: 1 comments so far ::
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