some lights seem eternal
in this springtime of hope

no spritopias left behind

March 15, 2004
A cautionary note to new readers: the author is one of those evil, baby eating conservatives who support the President. Since that turns people away I thought I'd say it since it has NOTHING to do with what I wrote.

I ran into a kid at the grocery story today with his Grandmother (who is raising him) and talked to them about how good he�s doing and said a lot of positive things. That having been said I�m all out of material for you. Being good is draining compared to my normal cynical unfairness towards the world. They also said that I was a wonderful teacher and very nice. They obviously haven�t been HERE. It's funny how "No Child Left Behind" works when teachers leave their attitudes behind, dig in and do their damned job.

However, when I got home this person I knew in Kentucky who I sometimes wonder why I�m friends with tells me something nasty that someone said about me that they had thought was funny and he felt he needed to repeat. I know that girl talks about me but I don�t know why he thinks it�s his responsibility to repeat that shit. Does it give him something to say? It�s like that commercial�if you don�t have anything new to say.

Tomorrow I begin work on my short film about my day teaching. It�ll be a composite of the crazy things I can catch on film. It�s going to be great.

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