some lights seem eternal
in this springtime of hope

Separate but Equal? Right. Bitch, please! Kiss my ass.

March 01, 2004
John Kerry is ridiculous and if you vote for him you deserve what you get, I�m not sure the rest of us do.

At least George W. Bush will take a stand on the issue of Gay Marriage instead of this wishy-washy double-speak of �I don�t think they should be allowed to marry but I think they should be allowed civil unions.�

Separate but Equal? Right? Kiss my ass. I thought that went out with Jim Crow but it seems that the political party that thrives off of racism, deceit and class warfare wants to bring back the bad old days of segregation, even if it is in a small way.

Are you guys really so stupid that this semantic tap dance is good enough for you? This is violently retarded. I wonder if Senator Robert �KKK� Byrd helped him come up with this.

Republicans may not be progressive but we�re nothing if not consistant. I�m not for the state being involved in anyone�s life like that, marriage is sacred and that is the business of religious orders. Everyone�s commitment to their life partner should be codified by the state because two-thirds or such arrangements dissolve.

However, Senator Kerry�s idea that you should get it in everything but name is worse than anything President Bush has proposed. Senator Kerry puts homosexuals and by extension all American back fifty years, or more. If American society was an airplane he would have not just set homosexuals back to coach, but put them in the cargo hold with the animals and luggage.

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