some lights seem eternal
in this springtime of hope

fooled by these rocks that you've got

February 29, 2004

Jenny from the Block who is nothing like J Lo and I were at the Mall on Friday and we were at Aveda. Aveda, which you may or may not have read, is trying to kill me.

They found out my address by having me fill out a free gift application but when I had to tell them my birthday we had the realization that my birthday is indeed this upcoming Friday.

I hadn�t thought about it, honestly, and the only time it had come up since Christmas was when wrinkle-free pants were on sale and my mother called me to tell me they were on sale and I was getting them for my birthday.

So, I had forgotten that it was my birthday and as we�re leaving the Mall Jenny from the Block (who could, if called up, act) asked me when my birthday was and why I didn�t say anything to her about it. I told her when the birthday was but I lied about why I hadn�t said anything. I had forgotten my birthday and I�m a big idiot, I didn�t want to say that.

So women, don�t feel bad when your husband or significant other forgets when you were born because we forget when we were born too.

My mother? She�ll never forget�moving my big head out of your body can�t be forgotten. Connecticut Diarists, we�re going to have a BIG PARTY at Golf Widow�s House . We�ll meet in New Haven at the Train Station where Golf Widow will blind fold us and stuff us in the back of Ink Dragon�s SUV. This way we won�t know where she lives and won�t be able to tell the police about her herb garden.

If you want to get me a present there are two links on the left. Feel free to lavish me with gifts, I know you�re all as broke as I am so I don�t really expect anything especially since we have a field trip on Friday and I�ll have forgotten then too.

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