some lights seem eternal
in this springtime of hope

jean-bertrand aristide

February 29, 2004
I added an Amazon Gift Registry and a trading card (Suburban Island) . I also updated my Googles. It is a sick sad world.

I�m annoyed at Jean-Bertrand Aristide, President of Haiti, who fled Haiti today and apparently resigned. I had started work on this fictional letter he sent me asking me my advice as a hateful, baby-eating Republican.

Basically, I was going to caution him that when George W. Bush hints that you need to leave then packing is in order and if he says you need to go then just get new underwear wherever you end up and get the hell out of Dodge. Saddam Hussein played chicken with Dubya and lost was another main point and unless he needed a United States Army dentist to check his teeth out he should consider exile in Rome, the most beautiful city in the world.

Microsoft Word insists that I write �a United States Army dentist� instead of �an United States Army dentist.� All of you democrats, who got that Ivy League Education that allows you to make fun of the President�s Yale GPA, please explain that to me because it�s not in my MLA Style Guide.

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