some lights seem eternal
in this springtime of hope

disappointed in my fellow americans, yet again

January 25, 2004
What this boils down to is this: people in America are hateful people. We let politics divide us. It�s not George W. Bush, Howard Dean, John Kerry, Dick Cheney or any man or woman in our political establishment. It�s you and me, the average Americans. We�re unhappy about the world we�re in so we focus on hating our leaders.

A diary that I read, that I respect, has this crazy ass article on it right now about the Bush/Kerry/Nazi connection forwarding this idea into the Michael Moore Side Show of American Politics where fringe liberals and fringe conservatives � unable to engage their opponents or members of their own parties on a substantial policy level. They can�t engage people on issues so they dredge up these half-baked ideas and perpetuate them.

I opposed President Clinton. I think he is the most incompetent failure ever to be our President. I, however, do not personally HATE Mr. Clinton nor do I spread crazy stories about him. I don�t spread crazy stories about the candidates running against Mr. Bush nor do I believe many of them.

We all have skeletons in our closets of things our families did. Every major corporation in the United States has ties in its past to the Nazis or other World War Two fascist regimes, many of them have or had ties to the Communist Regimes that circle the globe and people affiliated with both parties are rich today because of things that dead people that they�re related to profited from.

How does this help us today? What are we supposed to do with that information? Should we sanction the corporations of today for what happened in World War Two? Should we take away their assets and use it to help the people hurt by World War Two? Would a check make them feel better? Are those people still alive? Who wasn�t hurt by World War Two?

I�d like to write a response entry to this person looking at whom they are their past and write about how the Dutch People turned in Jews to the German and Dutch Authorities with GLEE and HAPPINESS. People in THEIR family profited from the war in one way or another and it doesn�t make THEM a bad person today.

The other thing this all boils down to is this: people who don�t have money are jealous of people who have money. They are jealous and bitter, it�s sad and it�s also hurtful to our political discourse as a nation. Liberals especially, but politicians of every flavor, use race and economics to malign people and groups to their advantage. It�s wrong.

We as a nation will never progress as long as this side show continues.

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