some lights seem eternal
in this springtime of hope

Horatio Ashby

January 21, 2004
Occasionally when I�m teaching one of the boys will interrupt me and ask me a question that has nothing to do with what we are talking about or is so loosely related to what we�re talking about it is unbelievable.

So, one of the boys � trying to derail my train of thought asked, �Who invented the apostrophe?�

He really wanted to know this or he really wanted to disrupt my class. So, I told him who invented the apostrophe. Horatio Ashby did, in 1643. He was a professor at Oxford University in the United Kingdom. He invented it because poor people�s property rights were being abused and something needed to be added to the language�s structure to insure that the middle class could be saved from the oppression of the royalist culture.

He bought it.

Unfortunately, Emily thought I said, "Felatio" when I talked to her about it. Hmmm.

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